1. Open and welcoming

A large group of people giving a thumbs up.

Public spaces should be inclusive for everyone.

A group of people having a conversation. Above them is an accessibility icon.

They should also be accessible.

When something is accessible, everyone can use it.

This could be having accessible:

A ramp with a handrail.

  • ramps

A bench with a space for people with mobility aids.

  • seats

A toilet with handrails and a backrest.

  • toilets

A playground with an accessible ramp onto the equipment.

  • playgrounds.

Accessible public spaces should also be:

A bus arriving at a bus stop.

  • close to public transport, like a bus stop

A person riding a bicycle through a public space.

  • easy to walk or ride to.

A dollar symbol with a cross next to it.

Public spaces should have lots of free things for people to:

  • engage with
  • do.

A group of 3 people with checkboxes above each of them. 2 of the boxes have ticks and one of the boxes has a cross.

Each public space might not meet every person’s needs.

A person giving 2 thumbs up.

So all public places should work well together.